The NCAC Advancement and Recognition Committee (ARC) exists to serve the advancement and recognition needs of our Scouts and provide guidance for the Scouters who administer the program.
The members of the NCAC ARC are the Chairs of the District ARCs and other volunteers. The members of each District ARC are the advancement representatives from each unit within that District. Both Council and District ARCs work to ensure adherence to the requirements established by National and the NCAC.
Cub Scout Program Updated June 1, 2024
Effective June 1, 2024 changes to all Cub Scout rank requirements and awards were implemented! It’s official! The Cub Scout program has been updated for the 2024-25 program year. The four areas of improvement are the Bobcat badge, Cub Scout Adventures, Webelos, and Cub Scout Awards. To find out more information regarding the changes, check out the Cub Scout Program Updates Presentation ( Additionally, many of the official weekly #CubChatLive podcasts starting Nov. 10, 2023 have been devoted to the details on each of these changes. New Den Meeting resources can be found at Cub Scout Adventures ( Reach out to your District Advancement & Recognition Chair if you have any questions. |
What is advancement?
“Advancement is the process by which youth members of the Boy Scouts of America progress from rank to rank.
Advancement is simply a means to an end, not an end in itself. It is one of several methods designed to help unit leadership carry out the aims and mission of the Boy Scouts of America.
Everything done to advance—to earn ranks and other awards and recognition—is designed to educate or to otherwise expand horizons. Members learn and develop according to a standard. This is the case from the time a member joins and then moves through the programs of Cub Scouting, Scouting, and Venturing or Sea Scouts.
Experiential learning is the key: Exciting and meaningful activities are offered, and education happens. Learning comes from doing. For example, youth may read about first aid, hear it discussed, and watch others administer it, but they will not learn it until they practice it. Rushing a Scout through requirements to obtain a badge is not the goal. Advancement should be a natural outcome of a well-rounded unit program, rich in opportunities to work toward the ranks.” GTA, Section 2
Advancement Calendar
If calendar is not visible, go to NCAC’s Main Calendar ( then click on “Categories” and then “Advancement” and “Apply filter.”
Contact us
If you’d like more information about the Committee, advancement, or recognition in the NCAC, please contact your district’s Advancement and Recognition Chair.