Good day White Oak District Scoutmasters/Troop Leadership,
I am Rudy Singleton, the new White Oak District Merit Badge Dean. In this position, I will be working with John Wnek, our White Oak Advancement Chair.
In order to facilitate the updating of our District Merit Badge Counselor database, I am requesting that each Troop provide me with their current roster of Merit Badge Counselors.
Please provide this information by April 13, 2017. You may e-mail this information to me at
For each counselor please specify the following:
List of Merit Badges Counseled.
Registration of Merit Badge Counselors
Please note that all Merit Badge Counselors must be registered with the White Oak District and must maintain current YPT.
“”Merit Badge Counselor.
The completed forms should be turned in to your Troop Merit Badge Coordinator, who will provide them to me or John Wnek for approval and council processing. Please DO NOT take a completed merit badge counselor application package directly to the council office. Since the council has delegated the responsibility of maintaining a list of counselors to the districts, they are the ones who keep track of what counselors are counseling what merit badges. If you take applications directly to the NCAC, the District will have no knowledge of that person desiring to serve as a merit badge counselor. See
Troop Merit Badge Coordinators may submit application packages at District Roundtable Meetings or contact me to arrange handoff. I have included my contact information below.
Thank you for your assistance