Join the adventure

Scouting gives young people the opportunity to explore a world beyond the boundaries of everyday life. It presents them with chances to try new things, provide service to others, build self-confidence and develop leadership skills. These experiences help Scouts while they are young, and stay with them throughout their adult lives, helping them to grow into exceptional men and women who respect their families, communities, religions, countries and themselves and are Prepared. For Life.

Scouting Programs

The scouting experience is divided into programs according to age and activities. 

Cub Scouts

Year-round program for young boys and girls ages 5-10 and their families.

Scouts BSA

Outdoor program to develop character, citizenship, leadership, and fitness for boys and girls ages 11-17.


Year-round program for young men and women ages 14-20 (or 13 and have completed 8th grade)

Sea Scouts

Year-round program for young men and women ages 14-20 (or 13 and have completed 8th grade) – adventures 

on/in water


Real-World, Hands-on Career Discovery – for young men and women ages 14-20 (or 13 and have completed 8th grade)

Interested in learning more about units?

Scouting happens in a “unit” – a Cub Scout pack, a Scouts BSA troop, a Venturing crew, an Explorer post, or a Sea Scout ship. To find one near you, visit and explore the map, or call 301-530-9360.

Ask your Unit how to join – paperwork, dues, and membership expectations. Some units use online digital applications (ask them for theirs). All may use paper applications; ask your unit how to handle payments.