Powder Horn: August 24-26 

Come to experience an opportunity to get the hands on knowledge and practical resources to provide a challenging and fun outdoor program for your older youth. Powder Horn is the vessel to sustain the spirit of the outdoors in our youth today. Along with the spirit of the outdoors, you will also gather knowledge to share, motivate and direct youth. Powder Horn will give you the necessary skills to oversee a high adventure program. It will also help you identify local resources for your group’s program.
Powder Horn is organized around the Venturing Program’s High Adventure elements and Boy Scouting’s High Adventure Merit badge elements. It is intended to help adult leaders get started finding and using the resources for high-adventure programs.
All registered adult leaders and youth (14 and up) are welcome. All participants must be registered members of the Boy Scouts of America. Adults must have completed Leader Specific Training for your registered position. Youth participants must have a letter of recommendation from their Scoutmaster or Advisor
For more information, or to register, visit https://www.ncacbsa.org/training/powder-horn/.