Two Outdoor Ethics Orientation Classes: July 14 or August 4

The goal of this BSA Outdoor Ethics Orientation Course is to introduce the concept of Outdoor Ethics to a group with little experience in outdoor ethics in a fun and engaging way. It should help youth and adults at all program levels understand the general principles behind Scouting’s outdoor ethics program. There are hands-on activities. You will take away references to resources that will help you to learn more about outdoor ethics.

Audience: All adult Scouters, and Boy Scout and Venturer youth

Learning Objectives:
By the end of the class, lecture, discussion and practical sessions the participants should have:
– Knowledge of the Outdoor Code and Outdoor Ethics
– Knowledge of how Leave No Trace, Tread Lightly! and The Land Ethic / Stewardship support the Outdoor Code
– Knowledge of Outdoor Ethics Awareness and Action Awards Program
– Knowledge to locate additional Leave No Trace, Tread Lightly! and BSA outdoor ethics resources and opportunities for further training

A donation of $2 will be appreciated to cover the cost of materials. This is a 1.5 hour course.

You will receive proof of your completion of the course.

Dates: Saturday, 7/14/2018, or Saturday, 8/4/2018
Time: 10:00 to 11:30 am
Course location: Seneca Creek State Park, Gaithersburg MD

RSVP required at least 2 days before the class to Paul Schimke, You will be provided with more detailed location information when you RSVP. Give Paul a call at 301-906-0069 if you have any questions.