SOUSA Opens: November 21

Significant Changes to the Seneca District Calendar for 2018-2019.

Hello All,

Please note that the Seneca District Adult Court of Honor & Dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, 26 March, 2019 at the Rockville Elks Club Lodge, 5 Taft Court, Rockville, MD.  The significant change is twofold:

  1. Seneca District Adult Court of Honor & Dinner is being held two months earlier than in the past to relieve compression on the Scouting calendar (too many events scouting and family happening in late May and early June).  Please plan your calendars accordingly.    And  . . . .
  2. Submission of SOUSA Awardees will begin on 21 Nov, 2018.  Again, this is approximately two months earlier than it has in the past.

The Seneca District Outstanding Unit Scouter Award – “SOUSA” is a unit level award that gives recognition to registered adult Scouters for their significant contributions to their respective units during the 2018 calendar year. Recipients are selected and designated by their units based on their significant contributions to the unit. The definition of “significant” is entirely at the discretion of the unit leader or unit committee chair submitting the award.   The Seneca District Adult Recognition Committee accepts, without review, Awardees that comply with the eligibility criteria.

Please call with questions or if I can be of help.

Thank you for all you do ! ! ! !
Yours in Scouting and

Best Regards,

Thomas C. Kennedy