International Scouting Day At The Mexican Embassy

Muy Chévere !  Scouts are invited to set foot in Mexico for half a day, learn about the nation, its culture, and its scouting program at the Mexican Cultural Institute  Whether you are getting ready for the World Jamboree, or you are just interested in Mexico, do not miss this event ! AND  it is an incredibly fun and interesting way to meet requirements for Citizenship in the World Merit Badge or the International Spirit Award.

What: International Scouting Day
When:  February 2, 2019 from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Where: Mexican Cultural Institute 2829 16th St., NW, Wash. DC

By Who: International Committee of the National Capital Area Council and the Mexican Cultural Institute which is part of the Mexican Embassy.

For Who:  Any Scout and Scouter escorting.
How Do & How Much:  $10 per participant  , sign up is limited.  Do it SOON !