Giving Tuesday Now, How You Can Help!

Dear Scouting Families:

I realize that not every family is in the position to help during these times, however, I have had many people ask how they can help National Capital Area Council. Recently, I have seen countless Scouts and volunteers show up to virtual meetings, creatively connect with their units, and continue to work together to ensure our next generation of leaders and helpers are Prepared. For Life. As a small business, National Capital Area Council is not immune from the challenges presented by stay at home orders. In order to sustain and increase the number of high-quality locally produced Scouting programs, I am asking you to take an important step to stand with NCAC.

We’ve joined forces with #GivingTuesday to celebrate #GivingTuesdayNow — a global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. As a supporter and friend of NCAC, join us and use the individual power of generosity to stay connected and help heal our community. #GivingTuesdayNow invites you to give back in whatever way you can. Here are a few ways we invite you to participate on May 5th:

  • Donate a cash gift now: Gifts of any size can make a huge difference today. If you have secure employment and income, please consider utilizing your IRS stimulus payment as a donation to NCAC. Additionally, there is a new financial incentive in the CARES Act for Americans to give generously to qualifying charities. All taxpayers may now take an above-the-line deduction for cash gifts made to 501(c)(3)’s up to $300 ($600 if married), even if they do not itemize. This means you reduce your income by this amount before calculating your taxes. Now is the perfect time to take advantage of this “above-the-line” opportunity and give to NCAC by visiting:
  • Donate a non-cash gift: Gifts from your IRA, stocks transfers, or a Donor Advised Fund could benefit you as well. Under the new law, Required Minimum Distributions(RMD) for 2020 are suspended for certain defined contribution plans and IRAs to help retirement accounts try to recover from any stock market losses. Until now, to avoid penalty, as an IRA owner you had to either: a) withdraw the RMD amount, keep the money, and pay tax on it, or b) transfer up to $100,000 of the RMD amount directly to a charity to avoid penalty of tax. Everyone 70½ or older can still give up to $100,000 directly to charities from their IRAs, without penalty and you may still have an incentive to do so. 
  • Advocate for NCAC: Spread the word that our programs have not stopped and that #ScoutingContinues.
  • Be sure to follow @NationalCapitalAreaCouncil,BSA on Facebook, like and share our posts with your friends!
  • Create a legacy with NCAC: We know that cash donations might not be right for everyone but giving a gift in your will to create a legacy with NCAC is a powerful commitment to our work and mission for generations to come. We offer bequest templates that make planning easy for you and your family.
  • Volunteer from home: Hundreds of local Scouts are earning advancements with our new Merit Badge @Home program. We still need more instructors! The more classes we can offer, the more Scouts we can help! You can sign up at:  

Scouting is filling the social and emotional void left as other community centers and sports leagues have shut down. During a time when youth can feel negative impacts from social distancing, it is important that we provide a connection with their peers, to positively impact their mental health. We invite you, your family and non-Scout friends to enjoy NCAC’s upcoming Virtual Campfire May 5th at 7pm. Please save the date and keep an eye out for more details on how to join in next week. 

I hope to see you there,

Craig Poland