Boy Scout Roundtable-RSVP by Wednesday: June 14

It appears that your Boy Scout Roundtable commissioner is unable to read calendars correctly or else he has a really really bad “cut and paste” issue.  Our annual Barbecue is THURSDAY, JUNE 14TH! 

Very few folks have signed up (TOTAL OF 8 so far) for our End of the Year Barbecue.   Please RSVP and SIGN UP using the sign up genius link at:
Hot Dogs and Hamburgers will be provided.  Thursday, JUNE 14, 2018 from 6:30 pm until 7:30 pm at the Montgomery Village LDS Church. You need to RSVP BY THIS WEDNESDAY!

At our monthly Boy Scout Round Table we will be having the first of our regular discussions on Family Scouting and how it will work with the Scouting program.  We will attempt to have the latest information from National and will pass along as much as possible.  Please plan on attending for valuable information and bring your questions.  Even if we can’t get them answered at Round Table, we’ll find the answers or the folks that have the answers and get them for you.  We plan on discussing Family Scouting on a monthly basis as details of the program become available.

Thanks for all that you do,
–Phil Dennis (Seneca District Boy Scout Round Table Commissioner)