Boy Scout Roundtable: February 8

Handouts will be provided to both Boy Scout and Cub Scout units to help Webelos evaluate troops they visit.  This will give Cub Scouting parents an idea of what to look for and Boy Scout Leaders an idea of what they Cubs are looking for.
Darryl Hurt will be leading a discussion on the following:
Scouting is for everyone! Sometimes families that want to participate can simply not afford books, uniforms, outings, etc. Sometimes policies of the chartering organization encourage frugal and simplified Scouting (notably LDS). Our Roundtable discussion in February will focus on ways to make Scouting more affordable for everyone while still providing an outstanding program that conforms to the guidelines of the National Council.
If time permits, we will have a discussion on Junior Assistant Scoutmasters and their role in the troop.