Annual Pinewood Derby Workshop: January 20, 2018

WHO: To all Cub Scout Leaders
WHAT: Annual Pinewood Derby Workshop
WHERE: Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church
9200 Kentsdale Dr
Potomac, MD 20854
HOST: Hosted by Troop and Pack 706
WHEN: Saturday, January 20, 2018
WHY: This is an opportunity to complete the major tasks of designing and building your cars. We provide a woodworking shop with work stations staffed by experienced volunteers:
– safety briefing with building do’s and don’ts.  Eye and ear protection is provided.
– car design station with various templates provided
– basic shape cutting station using multiple band saws
– powers sanding station with multiple bench sanders
– drill station with drill presses rigged to drill holes to insert lead weights (provided)
– weigh station with precision scales to get to the critical 5 ounces
– two powerful dust control systems keep the air clean of saw dust
COST: $15 per car!  We will announce a link how to pre-pay online soon!
REGISTER: Pack must register via email to Time slots are every 20 minutes beginning 8am to 5pm.  Please also estimate the number of cars from your Pack.