2019 Geology Workshops at George Mason University: April 27-28

This Geology STEM event is sponsored by Dr. Julia Nord and The GMU Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences.   

This event is a great springboard into BSA Geology and STEM awards.

Event Description: 
The STEM Program consists of 3 hour sessions, and welcomes all girl and boy youth from 4th to 12th grade. The programs are structured around the Scout Awards delineated below, however same-age siblings are most welcome to attend, so feel free to register! Each session includes a guided tour of the GMU Physical Geology and Paleontology labs

There is a $11 fee per youth attendee. Please see below to register for the appropriate class. Pre-registration is required for all online (see to the right to select your session and register). 

Saturday April 27: Sessions are for Cubs Webelos to work on their STEM Nova Down and Dirty & Earth Rocks Adventure. 

Sunday April 28: Sessions are for Scouts BSA to work on their Geology Merit Badge. 

Event Details: