Life to Eagle Resources

Are you ready to reach the summit of Eagle Mountain?  These Life to Eagle resources will help you reach your goal.

Eagle Project Workbook

Eagle Scout Rank Application

Life to Eagle Seminar Handout

Powhatan District Eagle Advisors

A Step by Step Guide to How Eagle Palms Work

Questions or comments?  Send an email to Powhatan Eagle Advisers.

NCAC pre-certification procedures for the Eagle Scout Rank Application (ESRA)

Once a District Eagle Representative has accepted the Scout’s ESRA and Project Workbook, he will return these two documents to the Scout with instructions to deliver them to his Unit Leader or Committee Chairperson who in turn will forward a clear copy of the front and back of the Scout’s completed ESRA to the NCAC Program Office for pre-certification approval of the information listed.  A return email address or fax number must be provided to allow NCAC to send back the pre-certification results.

The ESRA can be submitted by the unit in three ways:

  1. Scan the front and back of the completed ESRA and email a clear copy to
    2. Fax the front and back of the completed ESRA to 301-564-9513.
    3. Leave a copy of the completed ESRA at the NCAC MSSC for review.

Note: A return email address or fax number must be provided to allow NCAC to send the pre-certification results.


Contact Frank Smith (Send an email CLICK HERE)
District Youth Development & Recognition Committee