Congratulations Troop 81

Today, Troop 81 became the first Patuxent unit to submit their 2017 JTE Scorecard.  Troop 81 achieved the Gold JTE standard for 2017.

Units should submit their JTE Scorecards through their Unit Commissioner or any member of the Commissioner Staff.

Patuxent District has an online submission form available by clicking the link below. SUBMIT SCORE

The form is easily accessible from the webpage.  Scorecards submitted using the online form will be reviewed by a member of the Patuxent districtCommissioner staff.

Attention Commissioners, this year we have added the following optional survey questions.  Please ask them and if collecting the form in person record the answers at the bottom of the form.

What night does Unit meet on?
Did Unit participate in a Longterm Camp?
Where did Unit participate in a Longterm Camp?